Harris Teeter in MHC
22/Feb/2009 23:25 Filed in: Crystal Coast

So far we have been impressed with the produce and with a couple of Angus NY strip steaks that we got last week. They were $5.95 a pound and came off the grill about as close to what we used to raise on the farm as anything that I have seen recently.
Unfortunately I did not see any meat for the grill that caught my attention on our second visit. We did pick up a very tasty rotisserie chicken today for only $4.99. That is not bad since we get two meals out of a chicken.
We have found some things that we cannot get in other places like my favorite Ruby Red Crystal Light and Green Mountain Gringo Salsa.
The story is huge for our area, but certainly uncrowded at this point. We all know that we are grocery nirvana right now. Summer will soon be here, and we will be reduced to Monday through Thursday shopping except for small trips. I will not complain about the tourists coming since we all need them to keep our economy going.
Harris Teeter is a nice addition to the area. We’ll certainly stop by occasionally and especially for the next two weeks since we have a couple more ten dollar coupons.