While we did get a late frost here on the coast, we have been lucky here on the Crystal Coast.
The tornadoes and dangerous weather have mostly by-passed our area though we did lose our power for three hours on April 16.
It was hard to believe our weather could be so beautiful on April 17, the morning after tornadoes destroyed homes as close by as Jacksonville.
I suspect one reason for the severe weather has been the really warm spring that has embraced coastal North Carolina.
As early as April 8, I stood knee deep in saltwater over at the Point on Emerald Isle.

For a while it seemed like the ocean had sucked all the water out of the region, but then the water came back, and I got to be out on the river.
Even with the persistent winds that have kept our boats and kayaks mostly at the dock, it has still been a wonderful April to visit the beach.
The weather has been so nice in April that we have only used our heat pumps for a few hours.
Easter weekend was a beautiful but windy weekend. It really made me feel like summer was just around the corner.

A beach walk cleanses the mind, and helps me remember that I could still be living in a place like Northern Virginia or even Canada where the fog is not nearly as warm as it is in North Carolina.
I have to admit that I have done more miles on the beach this spring that any prior spring. It has been a great way to enjoy the warm weather and to figure out what Mother Nature has done to the area beaches.
I have greatly enjoyed exploring the area beaches. I am looking forward to finishing my goal of walking all the ocean side beaches in Emerald Isle by the end of May 2011.

They did not disappoint us this year. We bought our first strawberries on April 18, and we have made regular trips to produce stands since then.
April is also when I get serious about tomatoes. So far the weather has been good for tomato growing, and I have at least a couple of small green tomatoes.
My tomatoes might be a little later this year since I started my own plants from seed, and I got them going a little later than I should have.
However, I am still expecting tomatoes before the middle of June, and with over thirty plants which I staked and tied up today, I doubt that I will have a shortage.
We have already enjoyed lettuce and radishes from our small garden plot, but what I really want for the summer is an endless supply of great home grown tomatoes.
It has truly been a good spring to be on the coast, come for a visit and see for yourself. From enjoying the wonderful area birds to walking the beaches, it has been a good year.
If you need more information about the area, check out my new Swansboro area travel guide or if your plans are to head to the beach, I have an updated Emerald Isle Travel Guide.
I also have posted a PDF with area information, suggestions of things to do, and a simple map of the area.

Why we love it here?
It is hard to say that any place is perfect. There always a balance between what you like and what you don't like. That also changes as you age. At one time I was close to homesteading in Newfoundland.
Today I would steer you to my articles, Ten ways Carteret County met our needs, Why I love living in Carteret County, and to the Crystal Coast Electronic Village Homepage as answers to why we have chosen this area.
My Crystal Coast, Salt Water on Your Feet site has a number of articles for people considering a move to the Crystal Coast.
There are also links to lots of pictures and information at my new Crystal Coast Life introduction page.
From that reading it is easy to understand why we enjoy living in a small subdivision near Cape Carteret. It is what we were looking for in a place to live. It is close to services and close to the beach but not on the beach. We have a dock behind the house and are close to some great trails. I can ride my bike in the neighborhood and not face a lot of traffic.
I also use my kayak on the White Oak River and have learned to love exploring the river and surrounding waters with our skiff.
This area also has some great festivals like the Newport Pig Cookoff, the Emerald Isle Saint Patrick's Day, the Swansboro Mullet Festival and the Swansboro Oyster Roast. We continue to be impressed with the Emerald Isle Christmas Parade.
It is a friendly area with a great future. So right now it is the spot for us. I often write about the area in my other websites. If you are a very avid reader, you might find some similar content on multiple sites, but usually the content is fairly specific to the sites.
These are additional sites where you can find even more information.
Crystal Coast Life
Ocracoke Waves
Crystal Coast Life Blog
Crystal Coast Blog 09
Crystal Coast Blog 08
Some archived articles