01 April 2007
Inviting water
04-Apr-2007 08:47 | Crystal Coast | Permalink

Since our walk on the beach, we have had two really warm days so I expect things will improve until we get to this unfortunate cold snap that is headed our way for Easter weekend.
Yesterday marked the changing of the seasons for me. I showed up to work for our real estate caravan in tan pants as I have been doing since the first of the year. I was the only guy not in shorts. That is one mistake I will never make again.
I guess wearing long pants after April 1 in Coastal NC is against the rules. I am all for those rules.
When I got home at lunch and told my wife, she said that she might as well pack up my long pants since I will likely adopt the new business casual with any hesitation.
Sometimes you know that you have died and gone to heaven. To think I spent nearly twenty years wandering around Washington, DC in a suit. What was I thinking?
If you need help escaping from the rat race, call me. The advice is free if I can help you find some property.