14 January 2007
A nippy morning in the mountains

During one blizzard they even sent a bulldozer to clear our road. Mostly we worry about ice. As most people are aware, ice is a problem on even what appears to be flat ground. Just imagine what it is like living on a 17% slope like ours. We had one neighbor back his Subaru out of the driveway one particularly icy morning. It completely spun around, and he ended up doing a miraculous job of guiding it down the hill backwards. He went out and bought chains the next day. I think they were only temporary as he and his family are now living in the Wilmington area. We have a seventeen year old AWD Nissan Access that stays in Roanoke. Several neighbors have tried to buy it from us since it is famous for going up and down the hill with chains on all four wheels. It's gone by any number of four wheel drive trucks and SUVs in the ditch. We call it "little Limo." It has rescued many people trying to haul groceries up our hill. Still until I snapped this picture of the cold temperatures on our deck, even in the moutains of Virginia the temperatures were in the seventies on Monday.
Those warm temperatures resulted in some interesting flowers popping up. The recent cold weather has certainly slowed down all that spring growth. I expect the cool temperatures are getting closer to the coast. It's is inevitable that winter will find us if it has found the rest of the country.
I bring up the snow, ice and cold temperatures to the west and north of us because I have noticed in the long range forecasts that there is a chance for some wintery weather in our Coastal Paradise. If the something as long as a fifteen day forecast is to be believed, a week from today, we will be entering in a colder period of weather with highs only in the mid to upper forties for a whole week. Then on January 30, the prediction from the Accuweather folks is " A chance for rain or snow showers in the morning, then a shower possible in the afternoon."
Of course three days later, temperatures are expected to approach sixty degrees Fahrenheit. Next week might just be a good week for visitors to the beach to make sure they have a nice warm gas fireplace to keep them cozy after what looks to be a colder than normal week.
I'll be talking about it more later, but I have recently accepted a real estate broker position at Bluewater GMAC in Cape Carteret. I'll be happy to help anyone find a spot on the Southern Outer Banks or to market their properties to some of the freezing folks whom I regularly visit in western North Carolina, southwest Virginia, or northern Virginia and DC.
You can visit my REALTOR® page at CoastalNC.org/realtor .