25 February 2007
The storm has passed
02-Mar-2007 11:11 Filed in: Crystal Coast

The fifteen day Accuweather forecast for the Cape Carteret/Cedar Point/Swansboro area has twice as many days in the sixties/seventies as it does in fifties. So we are making steady progress towards spring. I'll take fifties and sixties over snow and ice any day of the week.
This was a huge storm even when it moved off the coast. You can click this link for a current NOAA image. If you are a little late catching this post, I did a screen capture which I hope NOAA won't mind me posting for posterity.
The better weather forecast for the next couple of weeks and the warm weather we've already had should make for some improved fishing in to the not too distant future.
In the technology front, if you're interesting in real estate tools, I have had great luck building a home virtual tour for 126 White Heron Lane which is located in Bluewater Cove. The tour includes a walk thorugh. The software I used is called Mapwing and I highly recommend it. I'll be posting more on it later.
A wonderful sunrise in Swansboro
27-Feb-2007 23:28 Filed in: Crystal Coast

I have found Swansboro a little more difficult to photograph than Beaufort. I think it may have something to do with the wide streets in Beaufort compared to the very narrow ones in Swansboro. I was hoping to have few cars on the streets this morning, but there were plenty including a truck towing a boat. If you know anything about Front Street in Swansboro, the last thing you want to drive there is a truck hauling a big skiff.
I did get a good early morning shot of Swansboro from close to the end of the bridge by Clyde Phillips.
I can offer no complaints on the weather. It certainly a nice day here on the coast and a taste of more good days to come I hope. I even wore shorts for part of the day. It was great to get back in uniform.
Late this afternoon while I was working in my office, I had to open the window to enjoy the cool breeze. Even the cat thought it was time to taste the fresh air.