Calm Intracoastal Waterway
Jan/17/08 23:03 Filed in: Weather

I noticed how neat the sky was at Cedar Point boat ramp so we pulled in to add a few photos to the ones that I had taken over at the Swansboro bridges.
Fog does strange things to light. It was so mild out that it was a lot more fun taking pictures than it was earlier in the week.
There is nothing like sixty degrees in January to make you start thinking about spring.

It is January, and most years the mountains of Virginia and North Carolina get snow. That is why I am living on the coast.
As I look at this picture I will remind myself that today we were thirty degrees warmer than our mountain friends.
Winter hasn't impacted us too much. On the way back from the sunset chase we got some shrimp from Clyde Phillips Seafood and enjoyed what I call perfect shrimp before dinner.