Beach, Accessibility
More Accessibility for the beaches
Apr/17/08 22:22 Filed in: Beach

There were lots of piles in the ground and plenty of treated lumber stacked up. It didn't take us long to figure out that the lumber and piles are part of Emerald Isle's project to expand beach accessibility.
Emerald Isle already provides beach wheel chairs on a first come, first served basis from the fire station.
Adding some additional ramps to the beach where there is plenty of parking and a paved lot is a great way to open our beaches to people who cannot climb the steps up and down the dunes.
From what I have heard the project is expected to be finished in three weeks. I also noticed that Emerald Isle is doing some paving in their annual campaign to look good for all their visitors.
I am actually starting to look forward to seeing something beside spring break beach visitors. This week seems to have been the New York week.
I am sure that in five or six weeks I will be complaining about the tourists clogging up the restaurants. Actually since I know how important they are to our economy, there will be no complaints from me, but I will hold out some hope that we might see some folks interested in coastal property this year.
The prices have not been this low since 2004 so it is a great time to buy. Just call me at 252 646-8689 to get started looking.