Weather,Fishing,Crystal Coast
Frost finds the White Oak
Oct/30/08 21:36 Filed in: Carteret

This is at least two weeks earlier than last year. Even then our backyard which is close to the water survived without frost until December.
I guess weather is always strange, but this year has especially been weird. The heat came very early in June and held on longer than usual into September.
We had tropical storm Hannah drop by, but Hannah only brought us wind and very little rain.
We have had a couple of recent nameless storms that have brought us higher water than Hannah.
Fall has been spectacular until this recent cold snap which I just wrote about on the Crystal Coast Living Blog.
We have a really nice week of weather lined up for next week, and my tomatoes did not survive the winds of Hannah, but frost is such a harbinger of cold weather that I would rather do without it.
I have much more fishing planned for this fall, and temperatures in the forties are not what I like to feel when I am out on the water.
Of course I will have to admit that my best ever day of fishing occurred in the rain with the temperatures in the mid-forties. If I could catch that many fish again, I would once again endure the cold.
Still we cannot complain very much with the early frost, the weather on the Southern Outer Banks sure beats the snow that fell from Pennsylvania up through Canada.