I am sure it will be a while before the numbers are in, but at least one business man told me that his numbers were a record.
Based on crowds descending on the grocery stores, I would not be surprised if a record was set. I was pleased to get in a boat ride before things got crowded.
We did not make it back out on the river because we had company, and there was plenty to do without getting into the boat.
We got in a nice beach walk, a trip to Beaufort, a walk on the pier, a shopping trip to Swansboro, and some neighorhood hikes.
After our company left, our neighborhood had a party at the pool complete with barbecue, cole slaw, and potato salad.

This shot was taken at Third Street Beach. It is one of my favorite spots because of the shells.
After enjoying that evening, I wrote a post called Peace on the Beach.
I have also been carrying my surf fishing rod just in case I see some bluefish chasing fish through the waves.
I did talk to a neighbor who has done very well with Spanish mackerel from Bogue Inlet Pier.
I had hoped to get out in Bogue Inlet today, but there was just too much to do with an upcoming trip on the agenda.

We went in hopes of seeing the Nina and Pinta replica ships that were to sail into port for a few days.
We had heard on Saturday that they had been delayed by bad weather in Florida.
Whatever the reason they did not make it to Beaufort by Sunday morning when we were there and snapped this picture.
Beaufort was full of holiday visitors so we did not stay long.

We got up early enough to have a great breakfast at Yana Mamas.
The ladies wanted pancakes, and I had a delicious plate of country ham.
After breakfast the ladies managed to have fun shopping and got lost in Vera Bradley land.
We ended Saturday with a late evening walk on the beach.
It was warm enough that people were still enjoying the beach when we left at 8 PM.
I was not surprised because the night before on our pier walk we had seen surfers in the water until dark.

I have enjoyed stopping by for the great view of the White Oak.
One evening when we visited, some high school students were there to make prom pictures.
The board walk there is a very neat backdrop for pictures as long as the winds are calm.
They also have an accessible picnic table for people who are in a wheelchair. I think that is a great idea.
We already have some nice accessible trails and beach entrances.
When I snapped this picture of the water behind our home, I was most excited by the calmness of the water.
We have managed to have more than our share of wind. The White Oak has looked a little menacing a couple of times when I tried to push the envelope to get in a little kayaking.
I think we are now well on our way to serious summer weather. I need those hot temperatures if I am going to win this year’s tomato contest where my friends hope to unseat me as tomato king.
I took this picture Friday morning after we had finished exploring on the South side of the Intracoastal at Swansboro.
It was a great ride, but I was playing tour guide and did not have my fishing rod with me.
That might have been a mistake based on the number of fish that I saw on my fish finder.
Though it appears that we are in for a showery week, we have had a very good one.
Last Thursday night we even got to sample both the Beach Jive after Five and the Chamber of Commerce’s Business after Hours.
The events were side by side at Western Regional Beach Access and the Islander. Any time a tent with food is near the beach, fun will be had by all.
If you have not made your beach reservations, now is the time to do it while there is still a broad selection and an opportunity to create a memorable vacation.

Why we love it here?
It is hard to say that any place is perfect. There always a balance between what you like and what you don't like. That also changes as you age. At one time I was close to homesteading in Newfoundland.
Today I would steer you to my articles, Ten ways Carteret County met our needs, Why I love living in Carteret County, and to the Crystal Coast Electronic Village Homepage as answers to why we have chosen this area.
From that reading it is easy to understand why we enjoy living in a small subdivision called Bluewater Cove near Cape Carteret. It is what we were looking for in a place to live. It's close to services and close to the beach but not on the beach. We have a dock behind the house and are close to some great trails. I can ride my bike in the neighborhood and not face a lot of traffic.
I also use my kayak on the White Oak River and have learned to love exploring the river and surrounding waters with our skiff.
This area also has some great festivals like the Newport Pig Cookoff, the Emerald Isle Saint Patrick's Day, and the Swansboro Oyster Roast. We were also impressed with the Emerald Isle Christmas Parade.
It is a friendly area with a great future. So right now it is the spot for us. I often write about the area in my other websites. If you are a very avid reader, you might find some content on multiple sites, but usually the content is fairly specific to the sites.
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